Do our leaders have brain fog? If so, why, and shouldn't we know?
It has been recorded that Prof. Neil Furguson thought, in March 2020, that lockdowns could not be imposed on the British people. Yet they were. Our leaders, and their advisers, were surprisingly quickly convinced of the need for this, and then thought there would be significant pushback, justifying a policy of behavioural management, nudge and coercion that, prior to 2020, would have been considered very un-British (Laura Dodsworh’s excellent book, ‘ A State of Fear ’ is worth reading, if you haven’t already.) . How might this have arisen? Were all government ministers fully aware of what was going on, had they thought everything through and considered the risks, I wonder, or were their faculties somehow impaired? *** I’ve written before on the topic of the side effects of prescription medication ( ref 1 , ref 2 ). It's not unknown for people to mess things up, we all do something less well than we might wish sometimes. There will often be a reason for what happens; in some...