
Showing posts from February, 2025

The chronic Chronicle - a local paper I won't buy again

Over the last few weeks Viv and I have been making our way through the box set of the  Danish TV series Badehotellet (‘Seaside Hotel’). Much of it is set in the 1930s when politics in the country immediately to their south was dominated by Herr Hitler, and Danes found that they sometimes needed to be careful, for the Danish government, eager not to cause damage to their economy, had adopted a somewhat pragmatic approach to things in Germany, and even Danish people could be in trouble for saying or doing something that would displease the Fuhrer or his followers. One scene refers to a homosexual being beaten up, another to a Jew being sent to a concentration camp.  Our current crop of politicians - or at least most of them - would believe it ridiculous, but both Viv and I felt there to be some unpleasant similarities between the way peoples' lives were controlled in 1930s Denmark, and the way they are in the United Kingdom today; both seem to be a couple of steps away from tot...