Think you've enough saved for your old age? Think again!
A few years ago, when I worked in an office, we once briefly discussed pensions. I was staggered that all of the new recruits - clever graduates in their mid twenties - had chosen not to pay into the company pension scheme; they felt they had other priorities, and that they would be able to save for a pension later in life. Anyone in that position now should read the following and perhaps consider where they might be in forty or more years time. + + + This morning I was updating a spreadsheet I keep on Viv's and my pensions. I like to update it every year, tracking our finances and at least making an attempt to work out how long it is that our savings might last. It's something that I think many of us are recommended to do, especially those of us that don't get substantial final salary pensions. To produce such a plan you need to make some assumptions about your financial needs in the future; you need to think about how your lives may change, whether both of you will live i...